Graduate university study of radiological technology

Guided by the reasons for starting this study, the program of the study is based on the synergy of education with additional knowledge from individual subspecialist areas of radiologic technology such as CT, MR, US, IT, digital radiological systems, interventive radiology etc.

In that way, we are provided with an expert profile who can responsibly participate in the education of radiological tehnicians.

Competences in pedagogic-educational process:

The student will be trained for preparing and conducting classes and practices, as well as special clinical practices on modalities/devices in areas of radiological technology or medical radiology.

Competences in the managing process:

The student will be trained for:

-Individual management of the radiological workflow from areas of expertise as part of radiological management team

-Work especially focused on planning, managing and handling tasks and processes and resources in radiology and radiological technologies.

-For data analysis and gathering of statistical information which serve as a basis for long-term planning, for control and circulation of patients' documentation and other confidential information

-Work in team management of radiological departments with responsibility in deciding and daily activity.


Using the synergy of knowledge from information technology, medicine and medical terminology, ethics, management, radiological technology, they help in developing the system that will contribute to more successful treatments, medical research, planning, changes and innovations in the system, and financial prosperity of radiological organizational units, as well as to whole health department.

-Passing and conducting measures for quality control according to adopted Croatian and international standards in radiology and radiological technology

-Managing marketing in health care and radiology

Competences in analogue and digital diagnostic radiology:

The student will be trained for independent management or team work with a radiologist while performing:

-Conventional and digital radiographies

-Conventional contrast methods of imaging

-Digital or digitalized conventional contrast methods of imaging

-Fluoroscopies with targeted radiographic imaging

-Digital fluoroscopies with dynamic detectors

-Conventional tomographies

-Digital linear tomographies

-ERCP imaging

-Digital angiography – DSA

-Work at work stations for processing digital images from angiographic imaging

-Using contemporary software tools (3D, 4D, VRT, Image Fusion,SSD, Stereo Image, Real Time 3D) for image processing

-Digital coronary angiographies and ventriculographies – CDSA

-Fluoroscopies and fluorographies with mobile radiological devices

-Work with mobile digital radiographic devices and image transfer

-Work with mobile diascopical devices in OR-s


-Digital mammographies and processing of digital mammographic image

-CT, dynamic CT and CTA tests, perfusion tests

-Using contemporary software tools for processing CT images and „raw“ data obtained through CT and MSCT

-US and Doppler dynamic tests

-MR and MRI tests

-Working with scientific-researching team doing fMRI and dynamic CT tests using new methods and software solutions

-Working with digital radiographic devices with integrated detectors

-Working with digitalizers and phosphor plates

-Dental radiographies

-Digital dental radiographies

-Dental processings through usingMSCT and special software

Competences in IT applied in radiological technology:

The student will be trained for independent management or team work for:

-Management and working with a team on developing and maintenance of RIS/PACS systems

-Monitoring management and maintenance of digital image archives and systems, as well as information solutions and technologies

-Monitoring management and archiving of all digital data generated in the radiological department

-Monitoring the quality control of work and work processes adopted by Croatian and international standards

-Participates in generating and testing of hardware and software solutions and monitors radiological implementation of already mentioned solutions in a team with a radiologist.

Competences in interventive radiology:

The student will be trained for team work when performing:

-PTA of blood vessels

-Embolization of blood vessels

-Stenting of blood vessels

-Transcatheter application of cytostatics

-Fluoroscopically led cytological punction and biopsy

-Ultrasound led cytological punction and biopsy

-CT led cytological punction and biopsy

-Setting nephrostoma

-Draining cysts and abscess

-Learning principles, ways and technologies used in angiographic devices (DSA, Rotational DSA, Filters, Optimization of radiation dose on a device for patients and staff, CT angio and Angio CT).

Competences in radiotherapy and oncology

The student will be trained for:

-Work with a telecobalt therapy device

-Work with a linear accelerator

-Work with devices for surface radiotherapy

-Work on a simulator and preparation of required instruments and other tools needed in planning radiotherapy

-Participation in making masks for radiotherapy

-Production of protective blocks including blocks for lungs

-Production of drains (vaginal, extremities) for application of intracavitary radiotherapy and percutaneous therapy of isotopes

-Production of splints for children for fixating extremities

-Production of bolus

-Imaging of defined areas of radiation during planning

-Marking the center  and marginal points of radiation

-Daily entering of radiation data into therapy protocols of patients

-Control and maintenance of marked radiation areas

-Conversation with a patient about possible problems caused by radiation and referral of patient to a doctor

-Introducing patients to a means of stopping radiation damage (surface and others)

-Introduce and work with new techniques and devices for radiotherapy planning

-ART – adaptive radiation therapy

-IMRT – intensity modulated radiation therapy

-MLC – multileaf collimator

-IGRT – image guided radiation therapy

-MVCB – megavoltage cone beam imaging package

-Software for planning and conducting radiotherapy as well as photographic connecting to diagnostic devices

-CT and MSCT devices for planning radiotherapy

Competences in nuclear medicine

The student will be trained for:

-Independent preparation of radionuclides and participation in marking of radiopharmaceuticals

-Separation of individual doses (activities) and measuring activity with dosage calibrators

-Participation during anamnesis, preparation of patients for gamma camera imaging (in cooperation with a doctor)

-Setting patients into appropriate positions for gamma camera imaging

-Handling NM instrumentation: setting parameters, static, dynamic and SPECT digital imaging, controlling the process of image acquisitons, analysis of the quality and integrity of the accepted image, changing the collimator, processing and printing of the accepted NM image

-Independent handling of „hybrid“ modalities, devices in which functional and morphological imaging from nuclear medicine and MSCT are connected.

-PET CT and MSCT – Biograph


-Gamma camera

-Coincidental Gamma camera

-Computer work, working with computer software (text processing and table calculations), and specific NM programs for acquiring and analysis of digital NM images

-Participation in in-vitro measuring which requires knowing how different scintillation counters and detectors work

-Preparation of conditions and participation in conducting radionuclide therapy

-Quality assurance of work standard in NM departments: the daily quality assurance procedures which IMR-s perform individually (i.e. energetic calibration of camera – „peaking“, intrinsic or extrinsic grade of uniformity of the visual field; participation in weekly, monthly and yearly periodic quality assurance procedures – the series of measured parameters).

-Active participation in the program of protection from the ionizing radiation of staff and patients: knows the principles of protection, uses protective means, participates in the optimization of protection from radiation and conducts measures of decontamination (if necessary).


