Student union
The Student Union is the highest student representative body at the University of Mostar. It was founded by the Administrative Council and the Senate of the University of Mostar in 2000, when the Code of Practice, the fundamental Union act, was adopted and the first student elections were held. The Student Union’s aim is to protect student rights and to promote their interests at both Faculty and University level. It is the only body with the legitimacy to represent all the students of the University to which it belongs. The Student Union aims to protect rights and promote student interests at the faculty and university level.
Each year the Student Union organizes democratic elections and they are an opportunity to choose student representatives of study years, individual faculties and of the entire University. The mandate of the representative lasts for one academic year.
The Student Union is organized on the principle of subsidiaries and every subsidiary operates at its faculty. The Student Union currently had 10 subsidiaries. Student representatives are members of academic and management bodies at the University. President and vice-president are members of the University Senate. Students’ representatives are also members of Scientific-Teaching Councils of the University, as well as of other University bodies.